Corporate growth is exploding in Dallas, TX with great success for both new and established brands. In fact, if you have ever rented an apartment or vacation home for the week you have probably utilized one of these brands on the rise: RealPage.
RealPage recently moved their headquarters from Silicon Valley to Richardson, TX, which meant completely remodeling an older office building to house their nearly 1,500 employees. “Though we had extensive technology in our old offices, our employees often didn’t know what technology was available in each room or how to take full advantage of it before booking the space,” says Christina Hayes, Manager of Employee Experience. “This created unnecessary conflicts that soured otherwise successful meeting ‘mojo.’”

In contrast, the new conference rooms in RealPage’s Richardson HQ are easy to locate, configure, and use efficiently. A special nomenclature system sorts each room into one of only a few types. The room’s name and category then indicates its specific location as well as the level of technology present, which ranges from a speaker phone or display to a full-blown video conference collaboration setup.

Finally, each room has a touch panel located outside the door that connects the space to Realpage’s company-wide Outlook calendar software. For passersby, the panel acts as a type of ‘bouncer’ indicating whether the room is occupied and for how long. It also allows employees to reserve an open room for a spontaneous meeting even as its participants are making their way inside. Rooms include presence sensing that can adjust lighting and other routine specifications in order to simplify the rooms’ technology for its users. In this way, participants can focus on their meeting agenda instead of the technology’s operation.